29 nov. 2010

Everybody Lies

Ion Minulescu- Romanţe pentru mai târziu (1908)

Celei care minte

Eu ştiu c-ai să mă-nşeli chiar mâine...
Dar fiindcă azi mi te dai toată,
Am să te iert -
E vechi păcatul
Şi nu eşti prima vinovată!...

În cinstea ta,
Cea mai frumoasă din toate fetele ce mint,
Am ars miresme-otrăvitoare în trepieduri de argint,
În pat ţi-am presărat garoafe
Şi maci -
Tot flori însângerate -
Şi cu parfum de brad pătat-am dantela pernelor curate,
Iar în covorul din perete ca şi-ntr-o glastră am înfipt
Trei ramuri verzi de lămâiţă
Şi-un ram uscat de-Eucalipt.

Dar iată,
Bate miezul nopţii...
E ora când amanţii,-alt'dată,
Sorbeau cu-amantele-mpreună otrava binecuvântată...
Deci vino,
Vino şi desprinde-ţi din pieptenul de fildeş părul,
Înfinge-ţi în priviri Minciuna
Şi-n caldul buzei Adevărul
Şi spune-mi:
Dintre câţi avură norocul să te aibă-aşa
Câţi au murit
Şi câţi blesteamă de-a nu te fi putut uita?...

Eu ştiu c-ai să mă-nşeli chiar mâine...
Dar fiindcă azi mi te dai toată.
Am să te iert -
E vechi păcatul
Şi nu eşti prima vinovată!...

Deci nu-ţi cer vorbe-mperecheate de sărutări,
Nu-ţi cer să-mi spui
Nimic din tot ce-ai spus la alţii,
Ci tot ce n-ai spus nimănui.
Şi nu-ţi cer patima nebună şi fără de sfârşit,
Nu-ţi cer
Nimic din ce poetul palid
Cerşeşte-n veci de veci, stingher,
Voi doar să-mi schimbi de poţi o clipă
Din şirul clipelor la fel,
Să-mi torni în suflet înfinitul unui pahar de hidromel,
În păr să-mi împleteşti cununa de laur verde
Şi în priviri
Să-mi împietreşti pe veci minciuna neprihănitelor iubiri.
Şi-aşa tăcuţi -
Ca două umbre, trântiţi pe maldărul de flori -
Să-ncepem slujba-n miez de noapte
Şi mâine s-o sfârşim în zori!

23 sept. 2010

Dear Dad (II)

I’ve never been one to pay attention, so this is what I found out lately about your test subjects “humans”-- although anything can be fixed:

- They believe you are almighty and all-knowing, yet they think that somehow I do all the bad things
- They believe that they can talk to you, yet they don’t know whether you really exist, and they have something called “psychology”, that tells them that talking to imaginary friends is insane
- They believe that some time ago you were born as one of them, or a part of you (something missing perhaps here), and then you were killed, and then you resurrected so that all their sins were redeemed—probably feeling guilty about all the killing they did so far, they thought to kill a man that imagined to be your son and a part of you (if that’s not a clue of insanity I don’t know what is). They would be redeemed when they die and come to be judged by you…as if souls exist after death with the same body, even though they know about decomposing bodies after death
- They believe that you were born by a virgin, even though they know were babies come from (with genetics and all)
- They believe I’m in the ground punishing people for sins they’ve done during their lifetime, by burning them, again even though they don’t really have a body after death.
- They still believe angels have wings, because that’s the way people knew stuff could fly when they had no Physics knowledge
- They believe that they are alone in their universe because they can’t see anyone else, and that they could destroy their planet (and apparently vanity is my favorite sin, even if it comes as a natural trait for most of them)

These are just a few of the things I’ve noticed lately and, honestly, they kinda’ bother me. Why am I the bad guy? Before that story of Adam and Eve, ridiculous and confirmed to be absurd by genetics, I was just an angel who rebelled; then Michael kicked my ass and then this story claims that I tempted Eve as a snake; why would I do that? I am the LIGHT BRINGER, I bring light, knowledge. They are constantly searching for knowledge, yet they don’t realize who is helping them achieve it.

Anyway, hope to see you soon.

Your beloved son


3 sept. 2010

Dear Dad

Please tell my brothers to stop messing up my toys. They blame it on me, but these are my toys, why would I break them? Hope to see you soon; you've been gone for quite some time.

Your beloved son,

23 iul. 2010


It seems that the hot afternoon won’t be over. It’s as if the sun is holding a grudge against someone and by all means in its possession that person must be dead.

A girl is standing in front of her painting. She heard that she should paint whatever she felt like, so she painted the city and above it a huge red sun. She always paints what she feels. Her city, in the painting, is dark-red as she is. And it was true. The city was hot, but depressed. The local TV stations reduced their schedule to four hours; their last announcement sounded apocalyptical. They all said the same phrase:
“We are shocked to inform you that our schedule will be reduced. It is as hard for us as it is for you. We are yet to be informed about what is going on. Please do not panic. We try not to.”

Since last week, the Sun kept coming closer to the Earth. NASA refused to comment. They said that both Earth and Sun trajectories are not as they expected and that they don’t know why this has happened...

The air conditioner is set to freezing but the room just keeps warming up. The colors of the painting dry as the brush hits the cloth. A knock on the door scares Eve- the girl, and her brush suddenly strikes the red hot sun with a black line, but only in her painting. It was the neighbors’ kid. Eve rushed to the refrigerator to get the boy a glass of water. Upstairs a door closed and the boy’s parents came down to get the boy. They were moving north to a cousin. Even though they had little gas and the roads going north were packed, they had to try to get to a colder zone.
They all watch in terror as their water supply is turned on for merely an hour a day, and their electricity is being greatly conserved. Food and water are growing to be extremely scarce.

Eve is standing by the window. She can’t shake a strange feeling that this is a dream, and the real world is cold, and windy, but she thinks that might just be wishful thinking. Everything seems to be chaos. The stores are wide open, but the food is limited because of the effects of heat over it. Networks run inertial but no one calls or has time for the internet. Only the few that had surrendered the doom.

As time progresses, and as the temperature grows higher and higher, Eve seems to give up hope and her mind seems to stray to those strange memories where her greatest worry was money.

On her last glass of water, her whole body covered in sweat, she got off the couch and saw the sun. It covered most of the sky. Everything around her had a melting texture. The side of the window was so hot that it burnt her skin when was touched. She screamed “Why don’t I just burn up?” and then fainted.

The rules of the Universe are still unknown to humans. The Sun and the Earth are just two pieces of an infinite side of things and we might as well be just dust in the whole scheme that evolved involuntarily through the ages because someone forgot to turn off the light. Or turn off the Suns.

14 iul. 2010

The Last Lady

Below the tallest buildings we often find basements filled with darkness and bad smells. In such a basement an old man, in his dying age, was living alone trying to keep his basement as clean, but as empty as he could. He had things, and money, but he didn’t want any person around, for fear of… The Last Lady. His room was small, with half-sized windows, properly sealed so no water would come through when it rained, and clean so he could see the sun and trees. The street was almost as lonely as he was, as very few people ever passed that way.

One day, as his morning coffee pot was whistling on the stove, a shadow appeared in the window, following a loud scream that came from a young woman falling on the sidewalk. He walked to the window to see what happened, and noticed that the woman wasn’t moving. “Don’t panic”, he thought out loud but mostly to himself, because the woman was out cold. He opened his door frightfully, looking left and right for anyone that could have helped that woman and since no one was around, he dragged the woman inside and sat her on the bed. He pulled a chair by the bed and tried to wake her up with a wet towel…

The woman finally woke up, and when she didn’t recognize anything around, she just screamed, and then quickly ran to a corner of the room crouching there as scared as anyone could be. The old man was also scared, but he started to ask the young woman questions trying to calm her down. He found out she was poor, and fainted out of hunger. He could see her clothes were shabby but her face was clean. The scream was just an acknowledgement of the imminent fall. The other scream was just fear of the unknown. After making her a sandwich and offering coffee—her eyes were filling with tears, he started telling her that she was the first person ever to enter his home in at least five years. His reason was simple. When he was fighting in the war, he saw a woman, that appeared to be just another woman, but was in fact The Last Lady, the one often pictured with a scythe, Death. That woman smiled at a young boy—a fellow soldier, and caressed his cheek and the boy was dead; he just fell on the ground, and as he was looking at his face he could see the emptiness in that boy’s eyes. The woman disappeared into thin air. After seeing Death like that, the old man was afraid that she might be anyone, to trick him to go with her. He saw her as a monster trying to take his life away as she took that boy’s life with a simple touch.

Then, there was a knock on the door. The old man rushed to close the door, as he forgot to lock it when he brought the woman inside. But when he was almost there, with his hand on the doorknobs, the door fell, and a man came in bringing the door down, along with the old man. Regaining conscience, the old man stared at the man that brought down his door, and there was a lot of fear in his mind that after all the time spent running from people, that woman’s misfortunate faint was about to bring him to his last hour. The man saw the fear in his eyes, and apologized for bringing down the door. He told him he was a demolitions man and he was in charge of clearing the building. It(the building) was about to go down the next day, but since the old man rarely opened the door, he couldn’t have seen the poster from last week’s notice. The old man started crying and saying that the room was his home and he couldn’t leave just like that, so he asked the young woman to take him with her until he found another room. The young woman was just lying on the bed. The old man turned to the demolitions man, and he had like a big question mark on his face. The old man suddenly realized that the demolitions man couldn’t see the young woman, she wasn’t there. So he ran to a mirror and looked through it at the bed where she was supposed to be. He bowed his head, and covered his eyes as he started crying. The demolitions man left wondering what he had just saw—a crazy old man, but what was that man so afraid of and why was he so sad?

Death explained that she set up the elaborate trick to get him to trust her, so he could understand that death itself is nothing to be scared of. At first he was very angry, and shouted at her that it wasn’t fair, as she had tricked him. Only one argument convinced him. She said to him:

“Do you see the monster you thought that boy had seen? It was just his time to come with me. Do you feel different… now that you’ve met me? No, you don’t. Just take my hand and everything will be all right”.

The old man reluctantly hold out his hand with his eyes closed, and shaking as if something horrible was about to occur to him. But as the young woman touched him, and their hands were joined, the old man’s fear, his panic, his pains, his illnesses, his joys, his dreams, his memories, his money, his room, and last but not least, his hope… they all disappeared. And then she said to him:

“What you feared would come like a scream is like a whisper. Now that you are mine you can’t be worse than when you were afraid of me”

There was an old man who lived in a room and, like all of us at some point, was frightened of the dark. But who had discovered in the last minute of his life that there was nothing in the dark that wasn't there when the lights were on.

8 iul. 2010

Another day, another wish…

I wish girls knew how beautiful they are…without make up, without high heels, without “Silicon Valley”…
That spark in her eyes first thing in the morning could make a man or a lesbian happy for the rest of his or her (the lesbian) life. That natural blush of excitement whenever she’s happy, that smile of acceptance, as in the MasterCard commercial, priceless.

There’s no comparison between a woman wearing makeup, dressed up, and a woman with no makeup wearing whatever she felt like in the morning. The first one will make several trips to the bathroom to check her makeup or her cleavage, while the second one will have all the time in the world to charm everyone with her smile, as she is confident enough to wear that smile to wherever she’s going. Make no mistake, no one wants to see a smile with spinach, I never said men like a woman with poor vision while she’s looking in the mirror. But I believe there’s no point in drawing your face, lifting your boobs, or killing your feet with 10 inch heels, if you don’t have a single intelligent thought to express.

Could the time spent browsing for makeup be spent for resting so you don’t have eyes like Kermit the Frog, or for a relaxing bath, so your skin won’t feel like it just spent time on a construction site? Could the time spent at the hairdresser for dyeing your hair be spent with a brush, in its natural form, while reading a book, so you don’t think Baudelaire is a French food innovation? Wouldn’t your eyes be clearer, whiter, without that crayon around it, if perhaps a tear from Karenina, or from a Fellini movie, would from time to time wash your worries away?
What about the breasts? Well, newsflash! Not every guy likes big boobs. Unless you prefer shallow narrow-minded idiots with mother issues, most of them like sizeable “tits” (as they usually refer to your breasts). For most men, the package they are looking for, even if they don’t know it, is beautiful eyes and a lovely smile, used properly to seduce the poor bastard called in various occasions, later on, “honey” or “darling”.

I’ve heard lots of times that being a woman is hard… I believe that, apart from child birth and menstrual problems, men and women are very much the same. Maybe some men would say that in the long run, since the pain may be easier to handle once you get used to it, being a man is not so easy, considering the demands of most women, considering not having looks to use in one’s advantage…
So my wish for today is this: women should spend more time improving themselves than improving their looks with fake items. It would be easier for all of us to see each other without makeup or lies of that type. I love a smile without lip gloss, I love eyes that sparkle without crayon around them, I love a woman who knows how to seduce a man without saying a word, and I love a woman who knows how to make a man fall in love with her by a single phrase or conversation.

Life doesn’t always make sense, and that’s a cliché. For guys women never make sense, and that’s the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

5 iul. 2010


Am descoperit acum ceva vreme, printr-un film documentar (aproape documentar), de o “miscare” numita The Zeitgeist Movement. Zeitgeist înseamnă "spiritul unei epoci si a societatii sale".Miscarea Zeitgeist este bratul activist al Proiectului Venus... Asa ca zilele trecute, neavand ce face si neavand nici un ban in asteptarea salariului izbavitor, mi-am adus aminte de aceasta miscare. Pe scurt, Proiectul Venus promoveaza “economia bazata pe resurse”. Cum vine asta? Pai, simplu… In primul rand, banii, fie ei in banca sau cash sau ..oricum ar fi ei, DISPAR. Suna ciudat si interesant in acelasi timp, nu?

Argumentele pentru asta sunt infinite. Este mai mult decat evident ca saracia nu poate fi eradicata. Este mai mult decat evident ca bolile si razboiul ar putea fi evitate. Prea putine exemple, desi importante, pt ce rau reprezinta sistemul monetar pt lumea in care traim.

Ideea Venus Project e simpla. Pe pasi.

Primul pas: impartirea resurselor in asa fel incat nimeni nu detine nimic dar toata lumea are acces la tot. Fara necesitatea profitului, fara costuri, totul devine utilizabil, iar resursele, abundente dealtfel, ar putea hrani nevoile tuturor in orice domeniu.

Al doilea pas: abolirea frontierelor. In afara de evidenta nevoie de a calatori, eliminarea frontierelor aduce pace. Din primul pas stim ca nimeni nu are nimic, deci nici proprietati imobiliare. In primul rand bugetul pt aparare al tarilor ar disparea, resursele folosite pt aparare/razboi ar putea fi folosite evident pt scopuri de care toata lumea ar beneficia in sens productiv. Fara frontiere resursele pot circula liber oriunde sunt necesare.

Al treilea pas: tehnologizarea. Omenirea a ajuns la un nivel tehnologic destul de avansat incat sa poata face aproape orice cu ajutorul masinilor/ computerelor…tehnologiei. Aceasta tehnologie ar putea fi folosita pt ridicarea nivelului de trai global, si asta e clar ca se poate. Beneficiile tehnologiei sunt enorme si evidente, de la monotorizarea resurselor pt a putea fi distribuite eficient acolo unde e nevoie pana la controlul sanatatii si pana la banalele jocuri pe calculator.

Nu pot crede totusi ca acest proiect va deveni realitate curand…poate dupa un razboi atomic, sau vreo catastrofa mondiala…poate si criza asta va ajuta un pic…dar nu ma opreste nimeni sa visez, nu?



16 iun. 2010

Inner Child

Who is that child? ...The one you can’t see-- the one who’s doing all the thinking for you…have you ever thought about the weird stuff running around in your head? And then the question unsurprisingly pops as a turn sign at the end of a blocked road: “whoa, where did that come from?”

I remembered as I was going through some old stuff what I wrote on a piece of paper when I was just child. That writing has no meaning in words, the letters weren’t letters. But I knew what was written there; and I remembered I was looking at that piece of paper trying not to forget it as I almost knew I was about to. How many things are forgotten from that period of my life?... I don’t know. But I know that most of that forgotten stuff decides what I like, what I eat, what I think and all of the things that make me what I am now. Sometimes we (most of us) don’t know why we do some things we do, and it’s not what we would do, thinking about it afterwards. Some call that surfacing the inner child.

Psychologists (since Sigmund Freud) found a way to explain our tastes in everything…the inner child comes out and says “I like this”, therefor all the things we like come from our childhood. Our behavior is related to childhood years. Even our lies. We lie as our parents did. We trust people resembling our parents. We like those people no matter what… just because it feels normal. So if your father was a drug addicted, kleptomaniac with a tendency of depression you might not live more than 40 years And think about all the cursing we do (out loud or in our heads we all curse) that has to do with the mother aka “mamma”.

pt un post de mai devreme

27 mai 2010


Lord George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow--
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.

They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me--
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Lond, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.

I secret we met--
I silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

27 mar. 2010

What women want?

It’s a title of a movie, about an ad man(Mel Gibson) that receives the miracle gift of hearing women’s thoughts. I thought of it every time I wished I knew what the woman in front of me was thinking. Another show, this one on TV, “Lie to me” is about a guy that can read body language so well that he can tell whether you’re lying or not. He can also read most of the gestures made through body language. So, that show actually says that if you pay enough attention you can tell what a woman is thinking by her body language.

There’s only one problem. The difference between what a woman is thinking and what she really wants is huge. Well, for the sake of argument, let’s say most of them. No man, in full capacity of his mind, can say that he knows what women want. Most of the time, because women themselves don’t know.

They wanna be happy, but not too happy, it bores them. They wanna be loved, but not too loved, it scares them. They wanna be pushed, but not too far, it will enrage them. They want space, but not too much, they will drift. They want money, but not too much, they can’t feel loved that way. And so on, and so on…

Some may say that men are dogs for trying to grant women’s wishes for a while, until they may eventually be themselves bored, for trying to make their “target”-woman special, even though the other “dogs” might think different of him, and he feels stranded as on a deserted island. Somehow, that “dog” thought he might have found someone special… perhaps, or… he might just follow the “target” until he receives “food”.

It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless of course you are an exceptionally good liar.--Jerome K. Jerome

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.--Winston Churchill

He who can govern a woman can govern a nation.--Honore de Balzac

You can never trust a woman; she may be true to you.--Douglas Ainslie

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: What do women want?--Sigmund Freud

15 mar. 2010

Awaiting the atomic war

Living in the shadows of great discoveries and great people, you might often wonder what is it about life that’s worth living…Here’s one thought…Maybe it’s not worth living…Are those great discoveries really important? Or for that matter, those people? Most of you would probably say yes, they are…but, for whom are they important? For the world, of course, but even if the world changes, and people’s way of life changes, one thing remains the same… human nature! Ironically, people have been trying to avoid human nature for as long as the term society has been invented. I’m not trying to say that society is a bad thing, but we’ve all lived and are still living a life against out nature because of society rules.
What about those other people from the times of every person ever to make a discovery, were all of their lives wasted? So, the person living a mediocre life, or a poor life, even a crime life can consider his/hers life wasted, because that person was only important to few or none of the people in his life.
Death seems more and more as a salvation from all the frustrations of everyday life. As every John and Mary goes to work every single day without any purpose but money, we have so many variables in our life and so few constants, that we don’t really know what’s real and/or good, and even for people that think they know, those facts are questionable and uncertain whenever other people with different opinions present their facts, their realities, and their idea of goodness.

13 mar. 2010


Omenirea asista la un meci foarte important pentru a se decide pe cine va sustine in continuare. Se pare ca noi am ajuns undeva in mijlocul acestei confruntari. Meciul este Stiinta impotriva Religiei; in zilele noastre partida este si televizata, iar Stiinta are ocazie dupa ocazie, singurul portar ramas de partea Religiei fiind Papa din Vatican.
Inceputul meciului a fost dominat insa de Religie, inca la conducere. Noe a salvat cu o arca, Moise cu un toiag a rupt marea in doua, apoi capitanul echipei Religiei, Iisus din Nazareth, impreuna cu 12 coechipieri ai sai au condus atacul pana au inscris decisiv.
Printre ocazii se numara conceptia imaculata(nastere fara conceptie fizica), transformarea apei in vin, invierea unui mort, mersul pe apa, incercarea de daramare apoi reconstructie templu cu mainile goale ce a dus la golul decisiv, invierea capitanului echipei.
In acest timp, singurii aparatori ai Stiintei “clasicii” Platon, Aristotel si Euclid, n-au facut fata atacului, dar au pus bazele revenirii ulterioare. Aceasta revenire, puternic huiduita de publicul din peluza numita Inchizitie, a fost initiata de Galileo Galilei, un junior italian, cu incercarea sa de a dovedi ca planeta e rotunda. Peluza a fost redusa insa la tacere cand Magellan a dovedit incercarea lui Galileo, apoi alti juniori precum Newton, cu teoria gravitatiei, apoi Darwin cu teoria evolutionista au intrat in lupta. Stiinta nu s-a retras in defensiva si a introdus noi atacanti, pe rand, Thomas Edison, Tesla,si capitanul Einstein, decisivi in lupta impotriva numerosului public sustinator al echipei Religiei.
Ocaziile initiale sunt parca uitate, inseminarea artificiala inlocuieste conceptia imaculata, transformarea apei in vin se face cu pastile deshidratate, invierea cu aparate de resuscitare, daramarea cu buldozere sau la alegere cu avioane(vezi 9 septembrie 2001), iar invierea capitanului poate fi considerata moarte clinica, sau poveste inventata.

Meciul continua...

7 feb. 2010


Tonight I found a piece of myself I thought was missing...but it was a part of me...

I've been trying so hard to make myself available to other people that I forgot to see myself as I was...Alone...as there is no one that want to see me just for what I am but for what they want me to be...

Everyone has conceived a person so perfect that anyone whom they've met seem to be anything but perfect...and we love to criticize because it makes us seem closer to that perfect person that we, in fact, created...

So I ask myself...should I try to be that person...that perfect person..?

No, I shouldn't...even if that means I should be alone for the rest of my life...I won't try to be perfect...or anything remotely similar to perfect...to hell with it...it seems as if I will marry loneliness.. So "Loneliness, I love you, will you marry me?"

Pathetic as it may be...thinking about it makes it even more fun...will I ever be hurt? Nope...it won't cheat on me...it won't say that I’m pathetic...it won't judge me for what I think...as most people do without thinking about their own flaws...

We've all been thinking that if we had a person to take care of, that person will make the world better for us...and what if...that person makes the world better?…
You remain the same and that better world won't accept you...What if...you find a person that you think will make the world better, but that person...won't even look at you...so...I ask myself...should you care about that?...nope...it will only make you feel like the tiny useless meaningless piece of shit that you are..

I said I found myself...yes I did...I am alone...and it's not just a state of mind...it's a statement of who I am... could that change?...maybe...maybe it's just this night that makes me feel this way...but maybe we are all alone...think about it...do you think that anyone...anyone...could ever really really know you?

23 ian. 2010


De obicei suntem atrasi de ce ni se interzice. Poate de aceea adulterul, ca unul din pacatele decalogului biblic, si cel mai intens dintre instinctele animalice umane, este cel mai atragator dintre toate proverbialele “fructe oprite” …in afara de calugarite si preoti, dar si ei sunt oameni. De multe ori, in incercarea disperata de a ne absolvi de o “constiinta incarcata”, alte preconceptii juvenile intervin, adica “suflete pereche”, sau “dragoste la prima vedere”, sau chiar “fructul oprit” in sine.

Este mai greu poate de inteles atunci cand adulterul se petrece dupa multi ani de casnicie, desi cred ca este mult mai probabil, avand in vedere exagerata si constanta nevoie de inedit a omului secolului 21.

Pornind de la aceste idei, se pare ca biblia, ca si manual moral al majoritatii umanitatii, ne spune practic sa ne luptam cu instinctele animalice. Postul reglementeaza, sau cel putin asa vad eu ideea, tendinta de a manca haotic, iar ideea de adulter reglementeaza dorintele sexuale, care in regnul animal complet (incluzand omul) ar duce, in cazul speciei umane, la suprapopulare. Cred ca nu trebuie sa fii zeitate atotstiutoare ca sa-ti dai seama ca daca nu mananci cum trebuie vei avea o sanatate precara, iar daca sexul n-ar fi limitat monogam, cat de cat, explozia demografica ar fi si mai mare decat in ultimul secol.

Din toate astea, “IUBIREA” devine deci, fie expresia monogama a conceptiei biblice, fie atragatorul “fruct oprit”.

In primul caz, ni se spune ca cineva ne este sortit, o singura persoana pana murim, si chiar daca nu o gasim, tot trebuie sa ne casatorim, ca astfel viata ne va fi mai buna. O prostie, evident, si inca una contradictorie doar si pentru faptul ca este imposibil sa fii atras, atat fizic, cat si intelectual, moral, etc. de o singura persoana toata viata.

In al doilea caz, putem accepta ca nu vom iubi o singura persoana toata viata, iar monogamia, in sensul unui singur sot/sotie, casatoria, ne ajuta sa credem ca daca am stat cu o singura persoana, exista scuza “fructului oprit” pentru cazul in care…am “calcat stramb”.

Putem intelege deci, ca iubirea este ca un reflex dobandit, pavlovian; daca atractia este suficient de puternica, ii spunem iubire, si consideram ca acea persoana trebuie sa fie aceea de care ni se spune ca este cea cu care trebuie sa ne petrecem toata viata. Sub nici o forma deci, nu poate fi un reflex innascut, natural, pentru ca exista celelalte atractii, fata de alte persoane pe care le intalnim dupa acea prima puternica atractie ce a dus la monogamie, “adulterul”.

11 ian. 2010

Social depravation

Have you ever felt alone?

In a quiet room, with nothing but your thoughts, you just think. Think about the world… religiously, socially, economically… isn’t it fucked up?
I mean…just as examples… religiously, most of us think or wanna think that a story from 2000 years ago dictates our way of life… socially, we think war is economical—some guys go to war just because they would get paid better than at home…economically, there are kids starving and kids throwing away life choices and other opportunities just because they can… you think porno movies are disgusting? Think about a kid that never heard about a microwave oven—how’s that for disgusting? We have computers and diets and TV shows…some kids don’t have water!

I saw a movie today …”The blind side” – one thought from the beginning of this movie made me wanna kill myself… …a black kid(Michael Oher) given the opportunity to live in rich family (Touhy ) mansion and presented to his room:

Michael Oher: This is mine?
Leigh Anne Touhy: Yes sir.
Michael Oher: I never had one before.
Leigh Anne Touhy: What, a room to yourself?
Michael Oher: ...A bed