16 iun. 2010

Inner Child

Who is that child? ...The one you can’t see-- the one who’s doing all the thinking for you…have you ever thought about the weird stuff running around in your head? And then the question unsurprisingly pops as a turn sign at the end of a blocked road: “whoa, where did that come from?”

I remembered as I was going through some old stuff what I wrote on a piece of paper when I was just child. That writing has no meaning in words, the letters weren’t letters. But I knew what was written there; and I remembered I was looking at that piece of paper trying not to forget it as I almost knew I was about to. How many things are forgotten from that period of my life?... I don’t know. But I know that most of that forgotten stuff decides what I like, what I eat, what I think and all of the things that make me what I am now. Sometimes we (most of us) don’t know why we do some things we do, and it’s not what we would do, thinking about it afterwards. Some call that surfacing the inner child.

Psychologists (since Sigmund Freud) found a way to explain our tastes in everything…the inner child comes out and says “I like this”, therefor all the things we like come from our childhood. Our behavior is related to childhood years. Even our lies. We lie as our parents did. We trust people resembling our parents. We like those people no matter what… just because it feels normal. So if your father was a drug addicted, kleptomaniac with a tendency of depression you might not live more than 40 years And think about all the cursing we do (out loud or in our heads we all curse) that has to do with the mother aka “mamma”.

pt un post de mai devreme