11 ian. 2010

Social depravation

Have you ever felt alone?

In a quiet room, with nothing but your thoughts, you just think. Think about the world… religiously, socially, economically… isn’t it fucked up?
I mean…just as examples… religiously, most of us think or wanna think that a story from 2000 years ago dictates our way of life… socially, we think war is economical—some guys go to war just because they would get paid better than at home…economically, there are kids starving and kids throwing away life choices and other opportunities just because they can… you think porno movies are disgusting? Think about a kid that never heard about a microwave oven—how’s that for disgusting? We have computers and diets and TV shows…some kids don’t have water!

I saw a movie today …”The blind side” – one thought from the beginning of this movie made me wanna kill myself… …a black kid(Michael Oher) given the opportunity to live in rich family (Touhy ) mansion and presented to his room:

Michael Oher: This is mine?
Leigh Anne Touhy: Yes sir.
Michael Oher: I never had one before.
Leigh Anne Touhy: What, a room to yourself?
Michael Oher: ...A bed

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