The perfect love story…boy falls in love with girl…girl falls in love with boy…and the two of them grow old together and live happily ever after…
During your lifetime you meet approximately 2000 people. I mean the ones you talk to, not the ones you ran into or see on TV…How many of them do you know that fit this perfect love story? I believe… none.
Is it hard to grow old and live happily ever after? Perhaps not…but what if we were on a planet same as ours, but with different values, different as if we wouldn’t consider feelings as important as they are now…and the most important thing aside from money was altruism…??? And somewhere along the line of history being kind to the next person became the most important thing? Perhaps when human emotions became more important than power over a land or ruling the world…Is altruism part of the human behavior today? Certainly not! Think about it! Would any of you give a hug to a person obviously sad sitting next to you in the subway? No, because you don’t know that person. Do you have to get to know a person to tell whether he/she is sad? Obviously not!
Everyone’s beliefs depend on social background, and when love ends (whatever kind of love it is), a part of their social existence changes. They become more experienced and more reliable considering the fact they are now more aware that everything has an ending.
Iti dau un simplu exemplu... eram odata intr-un avion... zburam din Salonic la Budapesta... in avion, in partea mea dreapta,pe partea cealalta a culoarului s-a asezat o fetita... ingrozita de faptul ca... acel avion s-ar putea prabusi... era singura... fara parinti... si tinea la pieptul ei, strans, o poza cu un copil mic... dupa banuielile mele... era fratele ei... plangea necontenit... nu a fost nevoie sa incerc sa vorbesc cu ea... a fost de-ajuns o privire... i-am intins mana, si i-am strans-o tare, dandu-i astfel, oarecum, increderea ca sunt alaturi de ea si... nimic nu i se poate intampla. Si... a fost atat de simplu... atat de natural... gestul in sine... si faptul ca... mi-a zambit larg... cand am aterizat cu bine... m-a facut sa ma simt... de parca asta era misiunea mea... rolul meu in acel avion... alaturi de acea fetita...