A quiet road in the middle of nowhere will eventually lead somewhere. But for this man driving his car it seems the road is endless.
“I must’ve taken a wrong turn…But where? The road is straight and it was light outside…there was no sign to turn, nor any intersections…perhaps I should’ve listened to my mother…she’s always the one to listen…I hope my car won’t let me down again…but it seemed so right to leave today… I’ve been driving for so long… I hope the road leads to…where am I going again? I’m so lost…” Despair and anger have taken over his mind. He couldn’t remember where or why he went on the road that day. It’s dark now, but it’s not the darkness of the road troubling him, it’s his destination and … something else he just can’t put his finger on…
“I can’t turn around now, my car doesn’t have enough gas… there’s no one around and the music stopped a while ago… why did the music stop? Where could I be that no radio is on? I’ve got to snap out of this state of mind… but how?” His eyes closed for a second as if he was trying to extract those dark thoughts as you pull out bad teeth…but it didn’t work… as he opened his eyes the darkness seemed to grab his car with an imaginary black hand…soon that hand will reach the window… so he stepped on the break and the car stops leaving skid marks on the road...
“What’s happening to me? Where am I going? What is this road? Where am i?” He got out of the car and ran towards the headlights to try and see if there’s anything else other than that road. He was on a road through a forest, there were trees on both sides and the road was straight, both ends in darkness. He tried to see through the trees, but the darkness of the forest was stronger than the moonlight. He walked back into the car, thinking he’d just drive until something will point him in the right way. He looked in the rear-view mirror as reflex. He noticed something strange. He wasn’t in the reflection… his image was…but it seemed it wasn’t him. He was looking at someone in the mirror and knew it was him, but the image he was looking at seemed to be from another place… the place on the other side of that mirror. As he stared into the mirror to try and understand that feeling, he thought he saw something…way back into the forest there was a small light and above it smoke.
“Finally, some hope…”
He turned his head to see it with his eyes and not through the mirror. There was nothing there. He looked back into the mirror to see that light again. The feeling came back; he was still looking into the mirror as if he was on the wrong side of the mirror. The light he saw was a fire, and the smoke came from that light…
“Who would start a fire in the forest at night? And why am I seeing it only in the mirror? Why am I feeling danger? The fire is clearly far away… Maybe I started the fire? But how could i? I was in my car for a long time and that’s a small fire…it would’ve spread quickly through the forest. Wait…what time is it? Is this thing broken? It was 4:30 an hour ago… “
The police report also said 4:30…