It’s a title of a movie, about an ad man(Mel Gibson) that receives the miracle gift of hearing women’s thoughts. I thought of it every time I wished I knew what the woman in front of me was thinking. Another show, this one on TV, “Lie to me” is about a guy that can read body language so well that he can tell whether you’re lying or not. He can also read most of the gestures made through body language. So, that show actually says that if you pay enough attention you can tell what a woman is thinking by her body language.
There’s only one problem. The difference between what a woman is thinking and what she really wants is huge. Well, for the sake of argument, let’s say most of them. No man, in full capacity of his mind, can say that he knows what women want. Most of the time, because women themselves don’t know.
They wanna be happy, but not too happy, it bores them. They wanna be loved, but not too loved, it scares them. They wanna be pushed, but not too far, it will enrage them. They want space, but not too much, they will drift. They want money, but not too much, they can’t feel loved that way. And so on, and so on…
Some may say that men are dogs for trying to grant women’s wishes for a while, until they may eventually be themselves bored, for trying to make their “target”-woman special, even though the other “dogs” might think different of him, and he feels stranded as on a deserted island. Somehow, that “dog” thought he might have found someone special… perhaps, or… he might just follow the “target” until he receives “food”.
It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless of course you are an exceptionally good liar.--Jerome K. Jerome
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.--Winston Churchill
He who can govern a woman can govern a nation.--Honore de Balzac
You can never trust a woman; she may be true to you.--Douglas Ainslie
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: What do women want?--Sigmund Freud
27 mar. 2010
15 mar. 2010
Awaiting the atomic war
Living in the shadows of great discoveries and great people, you might often wonder what is it about life that’s worth living…Here’s one thought…Maybe it’s not worth living…Are those great discoveries really important? Or for that matter, those people? Most of you would probably say yes, they are…but, for whom are they important? For the world, of course, but even if the world changes, and people’s way of life changes, one thing remains the same… human nature! Ironically, people have been trying to avoid human nature for as long as the term society has been invented. I’m not trying to say that society is a bad thing, but we’ve all lived and are still living a life against out nature because of society rules.
What about those other people from the times of every person ever to make a discovery, were all of their lives wasted? So, the person living a mediocre life, or a poor life, even a crime life can consider his/hers life wasted, because that person was only important to few or none of the people in his life.
Death seems more and more as a salvation from all the frustrations of everyday life. As every John and Mary goes to work every single day without any purpose but money, we have so many variables in our life and so few constants, that we don’t really know what’s real and/or good, and even for people that think they know, those facts are questionable and uncertain whenever other people with different opinions present their facts, their realities, and their idea of goodness.
What about those other people from the times of every person ever to make a discovery, were all of their lives wasted? So, the person living a mediocre life, or a poor life, even a crime life can consider his/hers life wasted, because that person was only important to few or none of the people in his life.
Death seems more and more as a salvation from all the frustrations of everyday life. As every John and Mary goes to work every single day without any purpose but money, we have so many variables in our life and so few constants, that we don’t really know what’s real and/or good, and even for people that think they know, those facts are questionable and uncertain whenever other people with different opinions present their facts, their realities, and their idea of goodness.
13 mar. 2010
Omenirea asista la un meci foarte important pentru a se decide pe cine va sustine in continuare. Se pare ca noi am ajuns undeva in mijlocul acestei confruntari. Meciul este Stiinta impotriva Religiei; in zilele noastre partida este si televizata, iar Stiinta are ocazie dupa ocazie, singurul portar ramas de partea Religiei fiind Papa din Vatican.
Inceputul meciului a fost dominat insa de Religie, inca la conducere. Noe a salvat cu o arca, Moise cu un toiag a rupt marea in doua, apoi capitanul echipei Religiei, Iisus din Nazareth, impreuna cu 12 coechipieri ai sai au condus atacul pana au inscris decisiv.
Printre ocazii se numara conceptia imaculata(nastere fara conceptie fizica), transformarea apei in vin, invierea unui mort, mersul pe apa, incercarea de daramare apoi reconstructie templu cu mainile goale ce a dus la golul decisiv, invierea capitanului echipei.
In acest timp, singurii aparatori ai Stiintei “clasicii” Platon, Aristotel si Euclid, n-au facut fata atacului, dar au pus bazele revenirii ulterioare. Aceasta revenire, puternic huiduita de publicul din peluza numita Inchizitie, a fost initiata de Galileo Galilei, un junior italian, cu incercarea sa de a dovedi ca planeta e rotunda. Peluza a fost redusa insa la tacere cand Magellan a dovedit incercarea lui Galileo, apoi alti juniori precum Newton, cu teoria gravitatiei, apoi Darwin cu teoria evolutionista au intrat in lupta. Stiinta nu s-a retras in defensiva si a introdus noi atacanti, pe rand, Thomas Edison, Tesla,si capitanul Einstein, decisivi in lupta impotriva numerosului public sustinator al echipei Religiei.
Ocaziile initiale sunt parca uitate, inseminarea artificiala inlocuieste conceptia imaculata, transformarea apei in vin se face cu pastile deshidratate, invierea cu aparate de resuscitare, daramarea cu buldozere sau la alegere cu avioane(vezi 9 septembrie 2001), iar invierea capitanului poate fi considerata moarte clinica, sau poveste inventata.
Meciul continua...
Inceputul meciului a fost dominat insa de Religie, inca la conducere. Noe a salvat cu o arca, Moise cu un toiag a rupt marea in doua, apoi capitanul echipei Religiei, Iisus din Nazareth, impreuna cu 12 coechipieri ai sai au condus atacul pana au inscris decisiv.
Printre ocazii se numara conceptia imaculata(nastere fara conceptie fizica), transformarea apei in vin, invierea unui mort, mersul pe apa, incercarea de daramare apoi reconstructie templu cu mainile goale ce a dus la golul decisiv, invierea capitanului echipei.
In acest timp, singurii aparatori ai Stiintei “clasicii” Platon, Aristotel si Euclid, n-au facut fata atacului, dar au pus bazele revenirii ulterioare. Aceasta revenire, puternic huiduita de publicul din peluza numita Inchizitie, a fost initiata de Galileo Galilei, un junior italian, cu incercarea sa de a dovedi ca planeta e rotunda. Peluza a fost redusa insa la tacere cand Magellan a dovedit incercarea lui Galileo, apoi alti juniori precum Newton, cu teoria gravitatiei, apoi Darwin cu teoria evolutionista au intrat in lupta. Stiinta nu s-a retras in defensiva si a introdus noi atacanti, pe rand, Thomas Edison, Tesla,si capitanul Einstein, decisivi in lupta impotriva numerosului public sustinator al echipei Religiei.
Ocaziile initiale sunt parca uitate, inseminarea artificiala inlocuieste conceptia imaculata, transformarea apei in vin se face cu pastile deshidratate, invierea cu aparate de resuscitare, daramarea cu buldozere sau la alegere cu avioane(vezi 9 septembrie 2001), iar invierea capitanului poate fi considerata moarte clinica, sau poveste inventata.
Meciul continua...
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