Un telefon suna ciudat de partea cealalta a zidului. Camera de hotel e goala, dar primitoare cu lumini calde din toate partile si culori deschise si vii la draperii si asternuturi. Nu se aude nici un sunet, in afara de acel telefon la care nu pare sa raspunda nimeni. Oglinda de deasupra noptierei, mare si cu decoratii stupide pe margini, reflecta farurile orasului inca in cautarea linistii. Ferestrele sunt acoperite, dar din cand in cand lumini de toate felurile strabat perdele si lumineaza camera si mai mult. In baie robinetul stricat elibereaza cate o picatura „chinezeasca”, parca anuntand o furtuna care intarzie sa apara. Pe pat e un tip. Ciudat, cu parul ciufulit, fata brazdata de dezamgire, sta cu ochii inchisi. Este imbracat de parca ar vrea sa iasa, si totusi sta pe pat deasupra asternuturilor, incaltat, nu face nici o miscare. Incearca sa simta ceva in jurul lui, dar nu poate. In mintea lui, camera se micsoreaza si se indreapta rapid catre centrul creierului sau si se micsoreaza pana se prabuseste exploziv, apoi trece la alt gand, si gandurile se deruleaza rapid si trec pe langa el, iar el le priveste de parca n-ar fi ale lui si se uita la ele ca niste imagini pe un ecran al monitorului. Incepe sa simta pulsul cum creste, ca un fel de palpitatie a simturilor, si tot creste pana incepe sa doara, si imaginile din capul lui se deruleaza din ce in ce mai repede si-si da seama ca imaginile sunt tocmai pozele lui, pozele care le-a salvat saptamana trecuta pe un disc, si pulsul ii creste mai mult cand isi da seama ca sunt ca o succesiune de evenimente din viata lui si incepe sa-i fie frica de parca ar fi ultima pe care o va vedea vreodata. Se intreaba panicat daca asta ii este moartea, daca totul se va sfarsi in acea camera de hotel, apoi isi aduce aminte de camera si obiectele din jurul lui, ca o ultima incercare de a se agata de realitatea inconjuratoare. Pusese prosopul cam stramb dupa ce facuse dus, si uitase sa scoata laptopul din priza. Atat putea sa-si aminteasca. Pentru nu stiu ce motiv ochii pareau sa nu-l asculte, refuzau sa se deschida. Pe noptiera din colt, lasase o foaie. Nu putea sa-si aduca aminte ce a scris pe ea. Gandurile s-au oprit in momentul in care camera si obiectele ei au incercat sa-l aduca la viata, dar foaia si refuzul ochilor de a se deschide au adus succesiunea lor rapida din nou, ca si cand au fost puse pe pauza. Apoi s-au oprit brusc. O pagina de internet explorer a ramas blocata. Era pagina ultimei cautari. Erau niste pastile pentru somn. Avea insomnii de cand se stia si se pare ca acele pastile urmau sa-l ajute. Insomniile lui n-aveau legatura cu vreo boala si nici macar nu erau ca de obicei insotite de migrene. Erau pur si simplu o alta incapacitate, cea de a dormi. Ochii inca nu se deschideau, dar privirea din minte se indrepta brusc catre noptiera. Deasupra foii de acolo...erau pastilele. Sa fi adormit? D-aia se simtea asa? Dar somnul trebuia sa fie odihnitor si se simtea de parca in noaptea aia alergase distanta de la maratonul local. Capacul cutiei era langa cutie. Si paharul de apa n-avea pic de apa. Poate a luat prea multe. Panica il cuprinse brusc si incerca sa faca o miscare dar aceasta incercare nu facu decat sa readuca imaginile care acum se derulau prea repede si nu putea sa distinga nimic...creierul nu-l asculta si nu mai trimitea mesaje catre corp, ci doar catre minte. Mai repede insemna sa se deruleze imaginile mai repede. Ii e frica, dar nu stie de ce. Poate ca ii e frica sa nu se termine imaginile. Si daca se termina imaginile, ce urmeaza? Linistea aparu brusc dupa intrebarea asta, de parca auzul i s-a deschis si nici telefonul de alaturi nu se aude, dar nici zgomotul de afara. Poate e fereastra inchisa. Da. Sigur e inchisa. Nu poate fi nimic bun la linistea asta. Daca incearca sa se miste ar putea reveni imaginile. Si nu sunt asa multe. Pe obraz simti ceva. Era umed. Sa fie tavanul care picura? Dar nu e la ultimul etaj. Sunt lacrimi. Dar de ce sa fi plans? Doar e barbat si toata viata a tinut piept la orice cu capul sus si fara a arata vreo slabiciune de felul asta. Ce cliseu idiot...si parca ceva incearca sa-i spuna ca de data asta e diferit totul...ca acum, desi nu se intampla nimic, lacrimile erau justificate. Din dragoste nu puteau fi, fusese singur de prea mult timp. Nu murise nimeni recent. Noptiera din colt reveni printre imagini. Dar acum parca incerca sa priveasca foaia sa vada ce-a scris. Incepea ciudat. Scria „ Sa nu plangeti ca voi fi cu voi mereu”. Dar el nu credea in fantome sau viata de dupa, dar stia ca cei care contau pentru el cred in asa ceva si incercase sa nu-i supere prea mult, desi si ei stiau ca el nu crede, inca un motiv ca ei sa aprecieze foaia de pe noptiera. Lacrimile devin justificabile, e clar ca luase prea multe pastile si cand a cascat miscarea fetei a provocat lacrimarea, si era obosit pentru ca a scris prea mult. Dar era o singura foaie, de sa fi obosit? Panica il cuprinde din nou si imaginile revin inevitabil si el incearca sa le opreasca spunandu-si ca nu vrea sa le vada. Dar imaginile nu pot fi oprite. In toata agitatia asta a uitat de ce venise la hotel. Totul se scufunda in liniste.
Lumini albaste si rosii strabat succesiv perdeau camerei de hotel. Oameni in halate verifica aprente. O targa a unei salvari intra in camera, se opreste incarca un corp, apoi se indreapta inapoi catre salvare. Nici o masca de oxigen, nici un defibrilator. Un politist noteaza detaliile. Camera se inchide cu cartela, si nimeni n-ar fi putut intra. Toata lumea pleaca. Geamurile sunt deschise. Lumina se stinge.
30 oct. 2009
19 oct. 2009
The storyteller
How hard is it to invent a story? The context? You’re meeting old friends and you don’t want to tell them…your life sucks…you are stuck just as much as the next person in the usual day-to-day routine, your love life is as boring as next fellow’s, no amorous escapades and the job doesn’t bring as much satisfaction as you would like.
So, since by now everyone is familiar with lies, and the fact that everybody lies, you decide to re-invent your life. Most people, thinking about this, would say that it’s easy, that the lie you are about to tell is the fantasy life you’ve been planning when you have nothing to do. Right? So you don’t tell them that your schedule sheet is blank, you tell them you have plenty to do. For example, running in the park where btw you met an incredibly beautiful girl that you swept of her feet by telling her she didn’t need to exercise and that she reminded you of your ex which is painful because you are so romantic and the bitch cheated and then she takes you back to her place for an afternoon treat. That kind of story telling. Even though this sounds like penthouse forum.
But what if the storyteller isn’t satisfied with just telling that story? So, he decides to embellish it as much as he can, within the limits of reality. So he decides to tell them that he called the girl and she agreed to go out with him since she had such a great time the other day. Would that story become the new fantasy life? And if so, would the story teller want that life for real? And if he realized that the invented life is possible and that it could be more than fantasy, would he pursue it? What would happen then? Would he be happy since his original life story wasn’t enough for him to tell? Probably not. Because even though most beautiful girls are gullible and most of them had issues with former boyfriends therefore are easily impressed by stories about the ex, they wouldn’t look at guys in need of gym practice and runs in the park. Or if they did look, it wasn’t for afternoon delights.
Morality comes to mind, since morality is highly linked to religion, and there are a few capital sins involved like lies and coveting.
Is it a sin to dream? Do the sins that we imagine count as the real sins?
ps. this story does NOT depict in any way real persons or events of real life...they only exist in my imagination..also called the twilight zone...
So, since by now everyone is familiar with lies, and the fact that everybody lies, you decide to re-invent your life. Most people, thinking about this, would say that it’s easy, that the lie you are about to tell is the fantasy life you’ve been planning when you have nothing to do. Right? So you don’t tell them that your schedule sheet is blank, you tell them you have plenty to do. For example, running in the park where btw you met an incredibly beautiful girl that you swept of her feet by telling her she didn’t need to exercise and that she reminded you of your ex which is painful because you are so romantic and the bitch cheated and then she takes you back to her place for an afternoon treat. That kind of story telling. Even though this sounds like penthouse forum.
But what if the storyteller isn’t satisfied with just telling that story? So, he decides to embellish it as much as he can, within the limits of reality. So he decides to tell them that he called the girl and she agreed to go out with him since she had such a great time the other day. Would that story become the new fantasy life? And if so, would the story teller want that life for real? And if he realized that the invented life is possible and that it could be more than fantasy, would he pursue it? What would happen then? Would he be happy since his original life story wasn’t enough for him to tell? Probably not. Because even though most beautiful girls are gullible and most of them had issues with former boyfriends therefore are easily impressed by stories about the ex, they wouldn’t look at guys in need of gym practice and runs in the park. Or if they did look, it wasn’t for afternoon delights.
Morality comes to mind, since morality is highly linked to religion, and there are a few capital sins involved like lies and coveting.
Is it a sin to dream? Do the sins that we imagine count as the real sins?
ps. this story does NOT depict in any way real persons or events of real life...they only exist in my imagination..also called the twilight zone...
15 oct. 2009
by: George Gordon (Lord) Byron (1788-1824)
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
8 oct. 2009
System Error
Scopul….se pare ca nimic nu exista fara un scop…orice picatura de apa, orice cladire cu multe etaje, orice fiinta sau creatura insufletita, toate au un scop…dar toate, picatura de apa care pana la urma cade si se sparge in mai multe picaturi, cladirea care se darama la vreun cutremur, fiintele care mor, toate au un sfarsit inainte sau dupa ce si-au indeplinit acel scop. Acest scop lipseste…si pare cel mai important…in viata tot ce facem, facem pt a nu muri desi stim ca vom muri; ironic, dar fara scop viata e neinsemnata….tot ce facem practic e inutil pt ca vom muri indiferent daca am trait bine sau rau sau moral sau imoral sau saraci sau bogati sau prosti sau savanti sau populari sau tirani….si daca n-am trai? Ce-ar fi?...nimic... Individual suntem neinsemnati, poate si ca specie suntem neinsemnati, pt ca planeta va fi aici si dupa ce specia dominanta in aceste milenii va disparea.
Dintr-o perspectiva larga, ceva lipseste, ceva acolo la inceputuri lipseste…planeta practic exista ca o masinarie ce functioneaza fara un manual de instructiuni…din punctul nostru de vedere, al oamenilor, scopul ar fi…sa traim…dar pt ce sa traim? Ca sa ce? Sa ne distram, sa suferim, sa ne iubim, sa invatam, sa ne luptam, sa perpetuam specia, dar pt ce? La ce ne folosesc toate cele ce putem face intr-o viata daca tot se termina? Si nu doar pt noi…totul se termina…din punct de vedere al speciei umane numarul specimenelor ne va distruge, suntem condamnati sa ne autodistrugem si tot ce am facut in milenii de existenta va fi fost pt ce? De exemplu un filtru de cafea este creeat si utilizat de oameni pt a face acea licoare care ne trezeste dimineata; oamenii insa sunt nu numai inutili pt ca nu fac nici macar planetei vreun bine(vezi cutremure din miscari de falii tectonice posibil provocate), dar nu au un scop sau destinatie specifica…macar filtrul de cafea daca ar fi constient ar sti ca daca tot se strica a avut scopul de a face cafea…Singura varianta ce mi-a trecut prin cap ar fi ca suntem aruncati izolat intr-un univers oarecar ca un experiment sadic--un software test, pt a vedea pana cand si cum evoluam in conditiile unor defecte majore si cu tendinte autodistructive innascute; ca tot crede lumea in “dupa chipul si asemanarea Lui”--doar ca noi suntem un fel de varianta beta a unui software fara unele din defectele de care noi “beneficiem” in fiecare zi--pacat totusi ca din cate imi dau seama si software-ul creator are defecte majore…
Dintr-o perspectiva larga, ceva lipseste, ceva acolo la inceputuri lipseste…planeta practic exista ca o masinarie ce functioneaza fara un manual de instructiuni…din punctul nostru de vedere, al oamenilor, scopul ar fi…sa traim…dar pt ce sa traim? Ca sa ce? Sa ne distram, sa suferim, sa ne iubim, sa invatam, sa ne luptam, sa perpetuam specia, dar pt ce? La ce ne folosesc toate cele ce putem face intr-o viata daca tot se termina? Si nu doar pt noi…totul se termina…din punct de vedere al speciei umane numarul specimenelor ne va distruge, suntem condamnati sa ne autodistrugem si tot ce am facut in milenii de existenta va fi fost pt ce? De exemplu un filtru de cafea este creeat si utilizat de oameni pt a face acea licoare care ne trezeste dimineata; oamenii insa sunt nu numai inutili pt ca nu fac nici macar planetei vreun bine(vezi cutremure din miscari de falii tectonice posibil provocate), dar nu au un scop sau destinatie specifica…macar filtrul de cafea daca ar fi constient ar sti ca daca tot se strica a avut scopul de a face cafea…Singura varianta ce mi-a trecut prin cap ar fi ca suntem aruncati izolat intr-un univers oarecar ca un experiment sadic--un software test, pt a vedea pana cand si cum evoluam in conditiile unor defecte majore si cu tendinte autodistructive innascute; ca tot crede lumea in “dupa chipul si asemanarea Lui”--doar ca noi suntem un fel de varianta beta a unui software fara unele din defectele de care noi “beneficiem” in fiecare zi--pacat totusi ca din cate imi dau seama si software-ul creator are defecte majore…
1 oct. 2009
John Lennon - Imagine(1971)
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one.
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one.
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